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Beignet: Brushed, combed, and playtime!

Today, Beignet was itching and scratching alot so I decided to take her outside and give her a good brush/comb out. I also found one of those dog hair shaver things that she used to be scared of when she was a puppy; good news, she is no longer scared of it, and it got alot of her loose hair off. She’d probably look alot prettier if she had a bath, maybe David and I will bathe her this weekend. I think I will keep up with her daily grooming though, it seems to be helping her alot.

After an hour or two of grooming outside, we came back in and decided to play. She has so many toys that sometimes it is so hard for her to decide what toy she definitely wants and will start with one, then leave it alone after i throw it, to go find a different toy! HAHA.

Anyway, it was a pretty chill day, and I guess with the hysteria and panic surrounding CoronaVirus, I will have alot of time to just be at home and spend time with my wonderful furbaby.

BTW, she totally isn’t spoiled (rolls eyes)