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Beignet: Grooming incident and photo modeling

Yesterday, Wed March 18, 2020, while I was using the “dog shaver” to see about Beignet’s loose dog hair, she was more hyper than usual and wouldn’t keep still. Long story short, she moved while I was going down her back with it, and when she moved, I slipped and got the back of one of her legs- a small cut on her leg and bleeding a little. We went inside, I got bacitracin, gauze, bandaid, and medical tape and bandaged her up. I walked away to put the stuff away and come back to find she had already chewed halfway through the tape, gauze, and bandaid. 

Later that night, I decided to practice my photography skills and used Beignet as my model and uploaded them to her Instagram to try to build up her following and add to her content. I am trying to get her some brand deals; I am almost like those moms who push their kids into casting calls. ugh. Not good, but I can’t help it, she is just so cute and a pretty dog and so photogenic. 

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Beignet: Brushed, combed, and playtime!

Today, Beignet was itching and scratching alot so I decided to take her outside and give her a good brush/comb out. I also found one of those dog hair shaver things that she used to be scared of when she was a puppy; good news, she is no longer scared of it, and it got alot of her loose hair off. She’d probably look alot prettier if she had a bath, maybe David and I will bathe her this weekend. I think I will keep up with her daily grooming though, it seems to be helping her alot.

After an hour or two of grooming outside, we came back in and decided to play. She has so many toys that sometimes it is so hard for her to decide what toy she definitely wants and will start with one, then leave it alone after i throw it, to go find a different toy! HAHA.

Anyway, it was a pretty chill day, and I guess with the hysteria and panic surrounding CoronaVirus, I will have alot of time to just be at home and spend time with my wonderful furbaby.

BTW, she totally isn’t spoiled (rolls eyes)

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Beignet now on social media

my dog now has instagram (beignet_cormier)


FB Page: Beignet’s Blingy Life

youtube channel:

Blog page: Beignet’s bling life

FB Profile:

Animal Shelters, dog, dog adoption, dog lovers, dog owners, dogs, Pet adoption, Pet adoptions, Rescue dogs, service dogs in training

Beignet: Sweetest best dog in Louisiana- Youtube slideshow video

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Beignet: Itching, Scratching, Open Sores, vet, shots, and medication. Flea Allergies. Oh My!

For about a week now, my poor Beignet has been itching and scratching with no relief. She has always had really bad skin problems but never to this point; open sores. She has a suspected chicken allergy so we have her on Poultry free dog food that we coat in coconut oil and fish oil. She is also on a daily antihistamine and she was on a flea preventative but I had lost track of it and hadn’t been keeping up with it.

The other day I did find 1 flea on her and didn’t find anymore so I figured it was probably just a “straggler,” and nothing to worry about. Boy was I wrong!

I noticed she was scratching more than normal and I would go brush her/comb her to try to offer so relief but as soon as we came back in the house, her itching and biting would resume. Then yesterday, I noticed an open sore near the top of her tail bone.

Today, we took her to the vet; According to the vet, “dogs like her,” (I am guessing with skin allergies issues) “one flea bite is all it takes for contact dermatitis and sores.”
Long story short, Beignet was put back on her Bravecto (last 3 months)- which if I had stayed on top of it, would’ve only cost me about $50-$60 tops, but now because I had let it slip by the waste side, A normal $50-$60 ended up costing me $113.88 because she also now needed a shot plus antibiotics.

Why do I always have to learn lessons the hard way? LMAO. Anyway, baby girl has gotten so much relief and is currently sleeping peacefully (even though it is raining outside and she normally hides in rainy weather; that shot must’ve knocked her out!)

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Odie’s latest blog: Over the Road with Odie

disabilities, disabled, dog, dog lovers, dog owners, dog training, dogs, Handicaps, Life, medical, Mobility dog, pet owners, pets, Physical Disabilities, Service Dog, Service dog in training, service dogs in training

Road to Mobility: Beignet training session #2

Today we did some more training with the retrieval of the coke bottle, basic commands, and started “clean up” for her toys so I don’t have to bend down to pick them up.

dog, dog lovers, dog owners, dog training, dogs, Handicaps, Life, medical, Mobility dog, pet owners, pets, Physical Disabilities, Service Dog, Service dog in training, service dogs in training

Road to Mobility: Beignet Training session #1

Originally I had been training Beignet to be a service dog and eventually with all my pain from broken rods and then surgery recovery, It kind of fell by the way-side, however, I am getting back into it. Today We started training to try to get her to retrieve coke plastic bottle for me (in case I dropped it or something).

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The latest on Odie’s Blog page

Mom and Dad’s trucker dog’s latest blog post.