#Medical, ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, Advocacy, Autobiography, Back Pain, BackPain, Chronic illness, Chronic Pain, Chronicillness, College, College student with disabilities, College with Disabilities, CollegeStudentwithDisabilities, CollegeWithDisabilities, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, doctor, Doctors, drs, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, Fall, Fall Semester, Fun, future, genes, geneticist, genetics, genetics doctor, genetics dr, Handicap, Handicapped, Handicaps, Happiness, Health, HealthCare, Humanity, Humans, Humor, illness, Inspiration, inspirational, Joint Pain, JointPain, Joints, Joints Pain, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, Life, Louisiana, medical, medication, medications, memoir, Motivational, Pain, Pain Doctors, Pain management, pain meds, PainDoctors, PainManagement, Physical Disabilities, physical Handicap, physical handicaps, physically handicapped, rare, rare disabilities, rare disorders, rareDisabilities, rareDisorders, Scoliosis, sickness, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spine Pain, SpinePain, Spoonie, Spoonies, Stamina, students with disabilities, StudentsWithDisabilities, Syndromes, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, writing, Zebra, Zebras

Life Update: Resuming College, Registering Fall 2021 classes

Based on my current stamina level, I decided to only resume college part-time: 9 credit hours-3 classes scheduled: I will be taking Eng359:Advanced English writing for social sciences class (Monday and Wed. 1-2:15 p.m.), Socio364: Juvenile Delinquency (Because I feel like that would be interesting- on Mon, Wed., and Friday 10 a.m.-10:50 a.m.), and CMCN307: Communication in leadership class (online). I still have many many many choices in classes I want to eventually take but they were either full or not available this semester. I am just so eager to start back in the fall and I hope I don’t get burnt out, able to keep up and try my best and get something out of these classes 🙂 I’m very optimistic and I think I chose some pretty good classes. Let’s see how long that optimism stays. 😛 haha.

#Medical, ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, Advocacy, Autobiography, Autumn, Back Pain, BackPain, Chronic illness, Chronic Pain, Chronicillness, collagen, College, College student with disabilities, College with Disabilities, CollegeStudentwithDisabilities, CollegeWithDisabilities, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, doctor, Doctors, dreams, drs, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, ENergy, Facing Fears, Fall, Fall Semester, Family, Friends, Fun, future, genes, genetics, Handicap, Handicapped, Handicaps, Happiness, Health, HealthCare, heroes, Humanity, Humans, illness, Inspiration, inspirational, Joint Pain, JointPain, Joints, Joints Pain, Joy, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, Life, Louisiana, medical, medication, medications, memoir, Motivational, Originality, Pain, Pain Doctors, Pain management, pain meds, PainDoctors, PainManagement, Parents of Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, physical Handicap, physical handicaps, physically handicapped, rare, rare disabilities, rare disorders, rareDisabilities, rareDisorders, Scary, School, Scoliosis, sick, sickness, society, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spine Pain, SpinePain, Spoonie, Spoonies, Stamina, story, students with disabilities, StudentsWithDisabilities, superheros, support, Syndromes, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, Zebra, Zebras

Life Update: Fall 2021 Resuming College, Close to Bachelors Degree!!!!

What girl is resuming college in the fall semester and only 28 credits from bachelor’s degree in general studies with a concentration in behavioral studies…? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ this girl, right here! Woot woot.

However, being I have 28 hours left: All I have left is an Advanced English writing class, some general electives, and enrichment (concentration) classes. While I think if I do 2 semesters of full time-each one will be about 15 credit hours, (which is about 5 classes if its a 3-day class)- more if its a 2-day class.) that will be 2 extra credit hours in the end run, but then I will be done by end of next spring if I am able to keep my grades up.

However, I been out for a while and I get stressed and overwhelmed easily, so maybe Instead of setting myself up to fail and burned out, I only do a few part-time, even though I am thinking these will be “Easy” classes.

I don’t know what the workloads entail for these classes. Plus my stamina isn’t great right now. So looking at my energy level now, it’d probably be safest to do part-time in the fall, and then in spring, I can work my way up to more credit hours. (although maybe not, since spring starts in January and that’s still cold…unless it’s mostly online during that time. I don’t know. Time will tell.) Any advice is greatly appreciated. 🙂

Many people on my Facebook suggested only taking 1-2 other classes besides the advanced writing class because for most people, advanced writing classes take up a lot of time.

The next biggest issues while registering for classes:

1.) When going to the course description, some descriptions only say “will have an additional cost,” It doesn’t say anything about what the course is about or the workload expectancy: Like how is a student supposed to figure out if that class is a good fit with another class they are taking? UGH!

2.) Most of the classes I am looking at either is full to capacity, not a good fit with the advanced writing class, and some just aren’t available/an option for this semester.

So right now, the only class I can schedule is advanced writing: Could that be a sign from God? Like “Hello, all you need to take is this one class for right now.” Only time will tell.

#Medical, ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, Back Pain, BackPain, Broken Rods, BrokenRods, Chronic illness, Chronic Pain, Chronicillness, collagen, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, doctor, Doctors, drs, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, genes, geneticist, genetics, genetics doctor, genetics dr, Handicap, Handicapped, Handicaps, Health, HealthCare, hospitals, illness, Joint Pain, JointPain, Joints, Joints Pain, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, Life, Louisiana, Medicaid, medical, medication, medications, memoir, mood swings, Pain, Pain Doctors, Pain management, pain meds, PainDoctors, PainManagement, Parents of Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, physical Handicap, physical handicaps, physically handicapped, rare, rare disabilities, rare disorders, rareDisabilities, rareDisorders, Scoliosis, sick, sickness, Side effects, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, spinal infections, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spine infections, Spine Pain, SpinePain, Spoonie, Spoonies, support, Syndromes, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, wellness, Zebra, Zebras

Disability update: Genetics appointment, pain management, pain, oh my!

In High School, I learned that for me to get stuff accomplished, I Need To Do Lists, color-coded or numbered by priority: Otherwise everything is absolute chaos. Yesterday I made a to-do list and got most of it completed: 
I called the genetics doctor to do the genetics testing and find out more about my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: what type I have, what symptoms of that type, etc.
 I had been waiting to hear back from them. I went to my GP (general physician) in August 2020 to get a referral, they finally sent the referral in Oct or November, and I had still not heard back from the genetics dr office to get an appointment set up. I called and the referral was never uploaded into the computer so I had to call my GP to ask them to refax the referral, but instead of having to wait for that, they went ahead and got all my file info and set an appointment to get me in the books; won’t be until August (unless someone cancels or reschedules, I am on a waitlist.) 
In other news, I am down to 3 pain pills left and my pain management doctor appointment isn’t until the 29th of this month! I called to find out if there was any possible way to either give me another half refill to tide me over until the appointment or to move my appointment up: I was shot down for both! I have 60 ct of tramadol per script- however, since I was completely out of my 60 at my last appointment- they had mentioned that they were going to up my count to 120 pills per bottle-but forgot to do that, I see the doctor every 2 months, and my dosage on my bottle says “take 1-2 every 4-6 hours as needed. Max dosage 8 daily;” On a BAD pain day, I take 6; On a good day, I only take 1. On a great (Miraculous rare day) I take 0. I was completely out on my last appointment on 1/28 (so they were filled that afternoon,) that 60 pills lasted me 20 days till 2/17. 2/17 lasted me until 3/11 with 3 left that I will now have to hide in a spot for absolute emergencies until my appointment on 3/29. The next 17 days will be a test of patience, nerves, and will power, I will have to hope and pray that Tylenol and my spasm medications (Baclofen) and (Gabapentin) will be enough, However: If I lose patience and become “Short with anyone,” I am apologizing now ahead of time. Please bear with me and realize I do not mean it, I am in pain and therefore my nerves are already on edge. 
prayers appreciated. 

#Medical, ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, At home, Athome, Autobiography, Brain Fog, BrainFog, Broken Rods, BrokenRods, Chronic illness, Chronic Pain, Chronicillness, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, doctor, Doctors, drs, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, genes, geneticist, genetics, genetics doctor, genetics dr, Handicap, Handicapped, Handicaps, Health, HealthCare, hospitals, illness, Joint Pain, JointPain, Joints, Joints Pain, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, Life, Medicaid, medical, medication, medications, memoir, Parents of Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, physical Handicap, physical handicaps, physically handicapped, rare, rare disabilities, rare disorders, rareDisabilities, rareDisorders, Scoliosis, sick, sickness, Side effects, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, spinal infections, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spine infections, Spoonie, Spoonies, Syndromes, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, Weird, wellness, Zebra, Zebras

Disability Update: uh-oh! I fell!

 I do not know what happened today, but early this evening, I fell. I am assuming I tripped over a thing of bottle waters, but I am not exactly sure what happened; it all happened so fast! I know that all day I been feeling pretty tired, weak, dizzy, lightheaded; kind of day-dreamy. Research shows that it could be a Ehlers Danlos thing: POTS or Dissociate, Brain Fog, or dysautonomia, or it could just be the fact its “that time of month.” Who knows, its a mystery.  I am not even sure what way I landed or anything. I think I fell on my side, but I cant remember for sure. 

I do not hurt right now, but I will probably feel it tomorrow. I just hope I haven’t done anymore damage to my rods than they already are. If the pain shows up and lasts, I will do x-rays and send them off to Dr. Kelly in St Louis. 

For now, I just got a lecture from Mom about being more careful and to “use my walker,” and “let go of my pride,” blah blah blah. It isn’t a pride thing Mom. it’s just hard to remember to use that thing when most of the time I do not need to use it. I do not mind my cane, walker, or wheelchair, but most of the time I am fine, so I do not think to use them when I feel weak. I will have to figure out a way to remind myself I guess. I just wish I knew why I was having these falling spells?? This is my second one, first one was back in August. Is it because of “that time of month,” or something more serious? Is it because I am not being cautious enough? Its a mystery..One I will have to figure out before I end up living in a plastic bubble because I am such a klutz. Ugh! 

#Medical, ADA, adulthood, Adulting, appointments, At home, Athome, Autobiography, Broken Rods, BrokenRods, Chronic illness, Chronic Pain, Chronicillness, collagen, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, doctor, Doctors, drs, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, genes, geneticist, genetics, genetics doctor, genetics dr, Handicap, Handicapped, Handicaps, Health, HealthCare, hospitals, illness, Infection, infection drs, Infections, Joint Pain, JointPain, Joints, Joints Pain, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, Life, Louisiana, Medicaid, medical, medication, medications, memoir, Pain, pain meds, Parents of Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, physical Handicap, physical handicaps, physically handicapped, rare, rare disabilities, rare disorders, rareDisabilities, rareDisorders, Scoliosis, Shriners Hospitals, Shriners Hospitals for Children, sick, sickness, Side effects, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, spinal infections, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spine infections, Spoonie, Spoonies, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, Weird, wellness, Zebra, Zebras

Disability Update: Good News/Bad news, Infection Update

 I got a email from the Mychart app from my Infections dr; Dr. Mejia. He got my bloodwork results in from Quest diagnostics in Lafayette, LA. Good news, I am negative for infection (meaning, no more infection in my body) according to the bloodwork. 

Bad news, he still insists on the plan of antibiotics being a life-long thing; due to the “complexity of the infection,” whatever the heck that means. 

To say, I am disappointed and upset is an understatement. This makes 2 years that my labs show I am infection free. I had hopes that I could eventually get off the antibiotics. I am not even 30 years old yet, and the idea of life-long antibiotics; God willing I live to a ripe old age, that would be 60+ years of antibiotics! 

yes, it times like these it is hard to see the light and positivity of my life, but I cannot loose my faith and Hope in God my lord and savior. He is good and all powerful, he is all knowing and can perform wonderous miracles. He is the only one who knows how my story will go. Be gone, Satan, quit tormenting me with emotional meltdowns and sorrow. I will try to look to God and find peace in his love and warm embrace. 

#Medical, ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting

New youtube video- Disabilities tag

#Medical, ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, Athome, Autobiography, Child, Childhood, Children, Chronic illness, Chronicillness, collagen, College, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Decent Humans, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, Family, Friends, Friendships, future, genes, genetics, Handicaps, Health, HealthCare, Humanity, Humans, illness, Joint Pain, JointPain, Joints, Joints Pain, Kids, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, Life, Louisiana, Love, medical, memoir, Mom, Momma, Mommy, Mother, parent, parenting, parents, Parents of Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Q and A, rare, rare disabilities, rare disorders, rareDisabilities, rareDisorders, Relationship, Scoliosis, Social Media, social networks, society, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spoonie, Spoonies, story, story time, storytime, support, Syndromes, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, wellness, Youtube, youtube content, youtube infleuncers, youtube tag, youtube videos, youtubers, Zebra, Zebras

Planning a Q and A video…with mom….Need questions!

I am planning on doing a Q and A type video with mom for my youtube channel sometime this week. Is there anything yall would like to know?

Any questions about raising a child with disabilities?

Any questions about what I was like as a child?

Any questions about me in general?

Her thoughts/ feelings/opinions about raising a child with disabilities?

Her thoughts/feelings/opinions about society now a days? 

Anything…There are no Dumb questions.

#Medical, ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, Autobiography, Child, Childhood, Childrens Hospitals, Chronic illness, Chronicillness, College, Confidence, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Creativity, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, Family, Friends, Friendships, Halo Traction, HaloTraction, Handicaps, Happiness, Health, HealthCare, hospitals, illness, Joint Pain, JointPain, Joints, Joints Pain, Joy, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, Life, Louisiana, Love, memoir, Originality, parenting, parents, Parents of Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, poems, poetry, rare, rare disabilities, rare disorders, rareDisabilities, rareDisorders, Relationship, Scoliosis, Shriners Hospitals, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Social Media, social networks, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spoonie, Spoonies, story, support, Syndromes, Talent, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, Youtube, Zebra, Zebras

Life in Slideshows

I made more slideshows about my life in pictures. I added all my slideshows to a playlist on my youtube. 

Link to playlist: My Life Slideshows – YouTube

ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, appointments, Autobiography, Childrens Hospitals, Chronic illness, Chronicillness, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, hospitals, illness, KyphoScoliosis, Kyphosis, medical, Parents of Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, rare disabilities, rareDisabilities, Scoliosis, Shriners Hospitals, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spoonie, Spoonies, Syndromes, UnBreakable, Uncategorized

Scoliosis Journey Vids

New videos on my youtube: A slideshow of my 2012 Halo Traction+ Surgeries in St Louis, Walking after surgery, and rambling on pain meds after surgeries.

ADA, Adult, adulthood, Adulting, anxiety, appointments, Autobiography, cardiovascular, Chronic illness, Chronicillness, Connective Tissue, ConnectiveTissue, Deformity, Differently Abled, DifferentlyAbled, disabilities, disabled, Disableds, diseases, disorder, disorders, doctor, Doctors, drs, EDS, Ehlers Danlos, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, EhlersDanlos, EhlersDanlosSyndrome, Handicaps, Health, HealthCare, Heart, heart conditions, heart diseases, heart disorders, heart health, heart issues, heart problems, Humans, illness, medical, Special Needs, Spinal Deformity, Spinal Fusions, SpinalDeformity, SpinalFusions, Spine, Spoonie, Spoonies, Syndromes, UnBreakable, Uncategorized, wellness, Zebra, Zebras

Heart Dr appointment and new medical vocabulary

Today was my cardiovascular appointment with my heart doctor and it seemed like a same-old same old- type appointment; which may be true for the doctor, but for me, as I have never really read over my discharge appointment summaries before really, I was shocked.

For some reason I decided to read my discharge summary papers once I got in the car, and according to the papers I had a few problems I was not aware of. I knew that they had said I had a valve that was being watched, but according to the papers, I have “acquired insufficency of aortic valve”, in addition to “non-rheumatic mitral regurgaitation,” as well as Sinus Tachycardia (I knew I had tachycardia but learned what type). I also have WPW (Wolf Parkinson white syndrome, which I knew about already and had a cardiac radiofrequency ablation for it in 2013.)

I scheduled a Echocardiogram for Jan. 15, 2021 at 7:15 a.m. and will get results on Jan 20, 2021 and will update with results when I get them.

But to see those new medical problems (even if they not new in my medical history, they were new for my discovery) were definitely scary and made me realize I need to maybe pay more attention to my medical information. It is my body, I need to be familiar with it.

Anyway, goodnight all.

Image may contain: text that says 'Problems 1. Acquired insufficiency of aortic valve 2. Non-rheumatic mitral regurgitation 3. Sinus tachycardia 4. WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome)'